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Traditional weddings
WeddingMate is pleased to announce that we will soon be catering for all South African traditional weddings. Get your traditional weddings in one easy to use space.
The quickest way to get married in South Africa is to find a Marriage Officer, make an appointment and let them take care of the rest. A Marriage Officer can come to your home or venue or you may go to the Marriage Officer.
The cheapest way to get married is at Home Affairs. They will do it for free. However there is no flexibility in terms of when. They will determine the date and time you will get married.
Marriage Officers, generally speaking, have the flexibility to assist you at your convenience. This is the entire premise of Ryan Hogarth Marriage Officers. We want to assist when and where it suits you!
Therefore, assuming you have all the documentation required we can generally assist with as little notice as an hour or two. And just to recap, this is the documentation required:
If both are South Africans
If both are non-South Africans
If one is South African and the other not
It is only in this circumstance that the process is slow as there is an additional requirement that Home Affairs conduct an interview with the couple to be married. We can assist in arranging this appointment but it does take 1-3 weeks.